TRUMPDATE: Latest from the Team Trump Virginia Campaign for November 5


Welcome to the Thursday edition of our daily Virginia Trump campaign update! We will provide our readers with daily updates on the Trump Virginia campaign from today to November 3 (and after…if need be!).

Election Day has come and gone, and the nation is currently awaiting results in several key battleground states.

There was a high level of optimism from President Trump’s campaign about how this election would go. The campaign amassed the single largest grassroots efforts in American political history, coupled with record turnout by supporters at rallies.

In states where early voting took place, turnout eclipsed 2016 numbers well before Election Day.

The polling once again proved to be wildly inaccurate. While much of the polling by left-leaning newspapers, pollsters and news networks predicted a Joe Biden victory by a comfortable margin, returns indicated that this race would be much, much closer.

And as it turned out, the election will ultimately be decided by the results coming out of Arizona, Michigan, Nevada, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, North Carolina and Georgia.

Some outlets called the races in Arizona, Michigan and Wisconsin for Biden, which combined with the other states Biden claimed on Tuesday night gives the former vice president 264 electoral votes. The most recent check on the race in Nevada has Biden leading President Trump by less than 8,000 votes. A Biden victory in Nevada or any of the other states that haven’t already been “Called” would secure the necessary 270 electoral votes to make Biden the 46th President of the United States.

But the Trump campaign will not go quietly into the night. The campaign filed lawsuits in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Georgia seeking that the counting of ballots be stopped, while the campaign has sought a recount in Wisconsin.

Trump’s son Eric was joined by Rudy Giuliani and Pam Bondi in Philadelphia on Wednesday, where they staged a press conference to provide an update on the lawsuits and to claim victory in the keystone state.

It’s the last thing we wanted to, but it’s blatant corruption,” Eric Trump said.

Election workers gathered inside the Philadelphia convention center where a massive counting operation is ongoing. But according to the campaign, and an account from a volunteer named Jeremy Mercer, those overseeing things in Philadelphia have illegally shielded volunteers from observing the process of evaluating mail ballots and determining whether they were properly filled out, postmarked and signed.

“We’re there supposedly observing, but we can’t see anything,” Mercer said. Mercer spent upwards of 20 hours as a volunteer at the convention center, and he claims that election workers positioned him upwards of 50 feet away and provided binoculars for him to observe workers handling ballots.

This is among one of the most anti-democratic things I’ve ever encountered,” Giuliani said. “We were supposed to be allowed, by law, to observe the counting of the ballots, and not a single republican has been able to look at the ballots. The ballots could be from Mars for all we know.”

Check back every day for more Trump Virginia campaign updates!

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Photo “President Trump” by The White House.











John Fredericks is the publisher and editor-in-chief of The Virginia Star.
He is also a Trump 2020 delegate and the chairman of the Trump Virginia Delegation.

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